Trout Limit in Colorado

The daily bag limit in Colorado for all trout species including brown, cutthroat, lake, splake, rainbow, tiger, golden, cut bow, and brook combined is four fish. An additional ten brook trout measuring less than eight inches each are allowed to be harvested per day.

In this article, we will cover the 2024 fishing regulations for Colorado waters, the trout limit, and provide you with a link to Colorado fishing reports.

Colorado Fishing Regulations 2024

Any angler over the age of fifteen, whether resident or non-resident, must possess a valid Colorado fishing license in order to fish in Colorado state waters. You need to get habitat stamps whenever you purchase a fishing license. You can use one rod to fish with unless you obtain a second rod stamp.

The best habitats for trout species are Gold Medal Waters. These waters usually have special trout regulations aside from the statewide ones. State parks and national parks are also available to fish in, but some may have certain regulations. Visit their websites in order to learn more about their fishing rules.

Find the full list of Colorado fishing regulations for 2024 in the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Fishing Guidebook.

Colorado Trout Limit 2024

The statewide trout daily bag limit for Colorado waters for a combination of all available trout species and their hybrids is four fish per day and an additional ten brook trout if they measure less than eight inches in length. Special regulation fishing waters may have different trout limits or may prohibit the harvesting of certain species of trout altogether.

Check the Colorado Parks and Wildlife 2024 Fishing Guide for a complete list of specially regulated trout waters.

Colorado Fishing Report

Find the latest Colorado fishing reports here.


For more information on fishing in Colorado, check out our article.

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