Trout Limit Wyoming

ag limit in Wyoming for a combination of cutthroat, golden, tiger, rainbow, and brown trout with salmon and grayling is six fish from lakes and streams. Only three of those trout may be harvested from streams and only one can measure over sixteen inches in length.

Oregon Trout Limit

The daily bag limit in Oregon for trout is five fish of any combination of trout species measuring between eight and twenty inches in length. One harvested trout per day can measure over twenty inches. Bull trout are prohibited from harvest and must be immediately released upon capture because they are a protected species.

Trout Limit Wisconsin

The daily bag limit for trout is five fish in combination with salmon. Only two lake trout may be harvested per day. There are length limits for specific bodies of water. See the Guide to Wisconsin Trout Fishing Regulations 2022 – 2023 on the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Bureau of Fisheries Management website for detailed length limits.

Trout Limit West Virginia

The daily bag limit in West Virginia for trout is six fish of any combination of golden, brown, rainbow, or brook trout. There is no minimum length limit for trout caught in West Virginia. In Stephens Creek, the daily bag limit is two trout of any combination of species.

Trout Limit Pennsylvania

The daily bag limit for a combination of any trout species in Pennsylvania is five fish during the regular season and three fish during the extended season in stocked trout waters. The minimum size limit for harvested trout is seven inches.

New Jersey Trout Limit

The daily bag limit in New Jersey for brown, brook, and rainbow trout and their hybrids is four fish from June 1 through March 20 and six fish from April 9 through May 31. All fish must measure at least nine inches in length.  

Connecticut Trout Limit

The daily bag limit in Connecticut of any species combination including brown, brook, rainbow, and their hybrids is five fish in ponds, streams, rivers, and lakes. In tidal waters and lower rivers, the daily bag limit for trout is two fish measuring at least fifteen inches in length. Special bag limits may apply to certain waters designated by the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection.

Trout Limit and More in Ohio

The daily bag limit for trout in Ohio is five fish whether from one or a combination of the five trout species. Ohio is home to lake, brook, rainbow, brown, and cutthroat trout. There are special regulations for specific bodies of water that can be found in the Ohio Fishing Regulations 2022-2023.

Trout Limit in California  

The daily bag limit for trout caught in California waters is five fish with an additional ten brook trout allowed for harvesting. Certain bodies of water including Red Lake have specific trout regulations. Refer to the California Freshwater Sport Fishing Regulations manual for these details.

Trout Fishing Limit in Washington

The daily bag limit for trout in Washington is five fish per day. Only two of the trout daily catch can come from streams, rivers, or beaver ponds and must measure at least eight inches in length. There is no size restriction for trout from ponds, lakes, and reservoirs.


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