Where to Buy a Fishing License?

If you’re looking to go fishing anywhere in the States, you’ll need a fishing license in order to do so. Fortunately, it’s pretty easy to buy a fishing license; you can do so online or at a store that sells them.

Today, we’ll be covering what you need to know about acquiring a fishing license, including how much you can expect to pay for one and why you need one in the first place.

Where to Buy a Fishing License

As we’ve mentioned, finding a fishing license is pretty easy. Fishing licenses are available at pretty much any hunting or fishing store near you, and you can also buy them online from your state’s official fish and wildlife website.

If you’re buying a license online, it’s important to do so only via authorized sites. There are plenty of illegitimate websites that attempt to scam unaware fishermen by selling them phony licenses. These sites are usually shut down pretty quick after they appear, but new ones pop up every so often so it pays to be careful.

If you’re having trouble finding your state’s official fish and wildlife website, we’d recommend checking out this interactive map from Fishing Duo. Just click on whatever state you live in, and you’ll be automatically redirected to your state’s website.

How Much Is a Fishing License?

This depends on a few factors, including the state you live in, the type of fishing license you’re applying for, and whether you’re applying for a license as a non-resident of that particular state. Depending on where you fit into all of these things, the price of a fishing license can vary greatly.

For example, several states have three different types of fishing licenses available, those being freshwater licenses, saltwater licenses, and combo licenses. Obviously, the type of license you get will affect where you’ll be able to fish. 

Depending on where you are and whether you’re a resident of the state or not, a fishing license may cost as little as $5 or as much as $100 or more. Check your state’s fish and wildlife website to find out how much it’ll be for you personally.

Why Do I Need a Fishing License?

Fishing licenses aren’t always mandatory (as we’ll discuss in the next section), but they are if you’re fishing for certain types of fish in certain areas. The government uses the money generated by fishing license sales to restock popular fishing spots and maintain habitats so that fish populations can thrive.

Essentially, by paying for a fishing license, you’re helping the government sustain fishing spots that you and others will be able to enjoy for years to come.

Can I Fish Without a License?

Not always, but there are indeed plenty of times where a license isn’t required to fish. For example, if you’re fishing on private property in a lake or a pond that has been privately stocked with fish, a license isn’t required.

Some states don’t require a license as long as you’re only going after certain kinds of fish, and other states don’t require a license to fish as long as you’re fishing in a certain area. If you want to learn more about fishing laws in your state, it’s best to check your state’s official fish and wildlife website and see what it has to say.  



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